This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo-1.63 from the input file ./zsh.texi. This is a texinfo version of the man page for the Z Shell, originally by Paul Falstad. It was converted from the `zsh.1' file distributed with zsh v2.5.0 by Jonathan Hardwick, `' and updated/modified by Clive Messer, `' to it's present state. File:, Node: Modifiers, Prev: Word Designators, Up: History Expansion Modifiers --------- After the optional word designator, you can add a sequence of one or more of the following modifiers, each preceded by a `:'. These modifiers also work on the result of filename and parameter expansion. Remove a trailing pathname component, leaving the head. Remove a trailing suffix of the form `.xxx', leaving the basename. Remove all but the suffix. Remove all leading pathname components, leaving the tail. Repeat the previous substitution. Apply the change to the first occurrence of a match in each word, by prefixing the above (for example, `g&'). Print the new command but do not execute it. Quote the substituted words, escaping further substitutions. Like `q', but break into words at each blank. Convert the words to all lowercase. Convert the words to all uppercase. Repeats the immediately (without a colon) following modifier until the resulting word doesn't change any more. This and the following `F', `w' and `W' modifier only work with parameter and filename expansion. `F:EXPR:' Like `f', but repeats only `n' times if the expression EXPR evaluates to `n'. Any character can be used instead of the `:', if any of `(', `[', or `{' is used as the opening delimiter the second one has to be `)', `]', or `}' respectively. Makes the immediately following modifier work on each word in the string. `W:SEP:' Like `w' but words are considered to be the parts of the string that are separated by SEP. Any character can be used instead of the `:', opening parentheses are handled specially, see above. `s/L/R[/]' Substitute R for L. Unless preceded by a `g', the substitution is done only for the first string that matches `l'. The left-hand side of substitutions are not regular expressions, but character strings. Any character can be used as the delimiter in place of `/'. A backslash quotes the delimiter character. The character `&', in the right hand side, is replaced by the text from the left-hand-side. The `&' can be quoted with a backslash. A null `l' uses the previous string either from a `l' or from a contextual scan string `s' from `!?s'. You can omit the rightmost delimiter if a newline immediately follows `r'; the right-most `?' in a context scan can similarly be omitted. By default, a history reference with no event specification refers to the same line as the last history reference on that command line, unless it is the first history reference in a command. In that case, a history reference with no event specification always refers to the previous command. However, if the option `CSH_JUNKIE_HISTORY' is set, then history reference with no event specification will always refer to the previous command. For example, `!!:1' will always refer to the first word of the previous command and `!!$' will always refer to the last word of the previous command. And with `CSH_JUNKIE_HISTORY' set, then `!:1' and `!$' will function in the same manner as `!!:1' and `!!$', respectively. However, if `CSH_JUNKIE_HISTORY' is unset, then `!:1' and `!$' will refer to the first and last words respectively, of the last command referenced on the current command line. However, if they are the first history reference on the command line, then they refer to the previous command. The character sequence `^FOO^BAR' repeats the last command, replacing the string FOO with the string BAR. If the shell encounters the character sequence `!"' in the input, the history mechanism is temporarily disabled until the current list is fully parsed. The `!"' is removed from the input, and any subsequent `!' characters have no special significance. A less convenient but more comprehensible form of command history support is provided by the `fc' builtin (*note Shell Builtin Commands::.). File:, Node: Redirection, Next: Command Execution, Prev: Expansion, Up: Top Redirection *********** Before a command is executed, its input and output may be redirected. The following may appear anywhere in a simple command or may precede or follow a complex command. Substitution occurs before WORD or DIGIT is used except as noted below. If the result of substitution on WORD produces more than one filename, redirection occurs for each separate filename in turn. `WORD' Open file WORD for reading and writing as standard input. If the file does not exist then it is created. `>WORD' Open file WORD as standard output. If the file does not exist then it is created. If the file exists, and the `NO_CLOBBER' option is set, this causes an error; otherwise, it is truncated to zero length. `>|WORD' `>!WORD' Same as `>', except that the file is truncated to zero length if it exists, even if `NO_CLOBBER' is set. `>>WORD' Open file WORD as standard output. If the file exists then output is appended to it. If the file does not exist, and the `NO_CLOBBER' option is set, this causes an error; otherwise, the file is created. `>>|WORD' `>>!WORD' Same as `>>', except that the file is created if it does not exist, even if `NO_CLOBBER' is set. `<<[-]WORD' The shell input is read up to a line that is the same as WORD, or to an end-of-file. No parameter substitution, command substitution or filename generation is performed on WORD. The resulting document, called a "here-document", becomes the standard input. If any character of WORD is quoted with single or double quotes or a `\', no interpretation is placed upon the characters of the document. Otherwise, parameter and command substitution occurs, `\' followed by a newline is removed, and `\' must be used to quote the characters `\', `$', ``', and the first character of WORD. If `<<-' is used, then all leading tabs are stripped from WORD and from the document. `<<&DIGIT'. `>&WORD' Same as `>WORD 2>&1'. `>>&WORD' Same as `>>WORD 2>&1'. `<&-' Close the standard input. `>&-' Close the standard output. `<&p' The input from the coprocess is moved to the standard input. `>&p' The output to the coprocess is moved to the standard output. If one of the above is preceded by a digit, then the file descriptor referred to is that specified by the digit (instead of the default 0 or 1). The order in which redirections are specified is significant. The shell evaluates each redirection in terms of the (FILE DESCRIPTOR, FILE) association at the time of evaluation. For example: `... 1>FNAME 2>&1' first associates file descriptor 1 with file FNAME. It then associates file descriptor 2 with the file associated with file descriptor 1 (that is, FNAME). If the order of redirections were reversed, file descriptor 2 would be associated with the terminal (assuming file descriptor 1 had been) and then file descriptor 1 would be associated with file FNAME. If the user tries to open a file descriptor for writing more than once, the shell opens the file descriptor as a pipe to a process that copies its input to all the specified outputs, similar to `tee(1)', unless the `NO_MULTIOS' option is set. Thus: `date >foo >bar' writes the date to two files, named `foo' and `bar'. Note that a pipe is an implicit indirection; thus `date >foo | cat' writes the date to the file `foo', and also pipes it to `cat'. If the `NO_MULTIOS' option is not set, the word after a redirection operator is also subjected to filename generation (globbing). Thus `: > *' will truncate all files in the current directory, assuming there's at least one. (With the `NO_MULTIOS' option, it would create an empty file called `*'.) If the user tries to open a file descriptor for reading more than once, the shell opens the file descriptor as a pipe to a process that copies all the specified inputs to its output in the order specified, similar to `cat(1)', unless the `NO_MULTIOS' option is set. Thus `sort > *.sh' Note that a pipe is an implicit indirection; thus `cat bar | sort >' Bitwise shift left, right. Bitwise AND Bitwise XOR Bitwise OR Exponentiation `* / %' Multiplication, division, modulus (remainder) `+ -' Addition, subtraction `< > <= >=' Comparison `== !=' Equality and inequality Logical AND `|| ^^' Logical OR, XOR `? :' Ternary operator `= += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= <<= >>= &&= ||= ^^= **=' Assignment Comma operator The operators `&&', `||', `&&=', and `||=' are short-circuiting, and only one of the latter two expressions in a ternary operator is evaluated. Note the precedence of the bitwise AND, OR, and XOR operators. An expression of the form `#\x' where `x' is any character gives the ASCII value of this character. An expression of the form `#foo' gives the ASCII value of the first character of the value of the parameter `foo'. Named parameters and subscripted arrays can be referenced by name within an arithmetic expression without using the parameter substitution syntax. An internal integer representation of a named parameter can be specified with the `integer' builtin. Arithmetic evaluation is performed on the value of each assignment to a named parameter declared integer in this manner. Since many of the arithmetic operators require quoting, an alternative form of the `let' command is provided. For any command which begins with a `((', all the characters until a matching `))' are treated as a quoted expression. More precisely, `(( ... ))' is equivalent to `let "..."'. File:, Node: Conditional Expressions, Next: Zsh Line Editor, Prev: Arithmetic Evaluation, Up: Top Conditional Expressions *********************** A "conditional expression" is used with the `[[' compound command to test attributes of files and to compare strings. Each expression can be constructed from one or more of the following unary or binary expressions: `-a FILE' True if FILE exists. `-b FILE' True if FILE exists and is a block special file. `-c FILE' True if FILE exists and is a character special file. `-d FILE' True if FILE exists and is a directory. `-e FILE' True if FILE exists. `-f FILE' True if FILE exists and is an ordinary file. `-g FILE' True if FILE exists and has its setgid bit set. `-h FILE' True if FILE exists and is a symbolic link. `-k FILE' True if FILE exists and has its sticky bit set. `-n STRING' True if length of STRING is non-zero. `-o OPTION' True if option named OPTION is on. `-p FILE' True if FILE exists and is a FIFO special file or a pipe. `-r FILE' True if FILE exists and is readable by the current process. `-s FILE' True if FILE exists and has size greater than zero. `-t FD' True if file descriptor number FD is open and associated with a terminal device (note: FD is not optional). `-u FILE' True if FILE exists and has its setuid bit set. `-w FILE' True if FILE exists and is writable by current process. `-x FILE' True if FILE exists and is executable by current process. If FILE exists and is a directory, then the current process has permission to search in the directory. `-z STRING' True if length of STRING is zero. `-L FILE' True if FILE exists and is a symbolic link. `-O FILE' True if FILE exists and is owned by the effective user id of this process. `-G FILE' True if FILE exists and its group matches the effective group id of this process. `-S FILE' True if FILE exists and is a socket. `FILE1 -nt FILE2' True if FILE1 exists and is newer than FILE2. `FILE1 -ot FILE2' True if FILE1 exists and is older than FILE2. `FILE1 -ef FILE2' True if FILE1 and FILE2 exist and refer to the same file. `STRING == PATTERN' `STRING = PATTERN' True if STRING matches PATTERN. The first form is the preferred one. The other form is for backward compatibility and should be considered obsolete. `STRING != PATTERN' True if STRING does not match PATTERN. `STRING1 < STRING2' True if STRING1 comes before STRING2 based on ASCII value of their characters. `STRING1 > STRING2' True if STRING1 comes after STRING2 based on ASCII value of their characters. `EXP1 -eq EXP2' True if EXP1 is equal to EXP2. `EXP1 -ne EXP2' True if EXP1 is not equal to EXP2. `EXP1 -lt EXP2' True if EXP1 is less than EXP2. `EXP1 -gt EXP2' True if EXP1 is greater than EXP2. `EXP1 -le EXP2' True if EXP1 is less than or equal to EXP2. `EXP1 -ge EXP2' True if EXP1 is greater than or equal to EXP2. `( EXP )' True if EXP is true. `! EXP' True if EXP is false. `EXP1 && EXP2' True if EXP1 and EXP2 are both true. `EXP1 || EXP2' True if either EXP1 or EXP2 is true. In each of the above expressions, if FILE is of the form `/dev/fd/N', where N is an integer, then the test is applied to the open file whose descriptor number is N, even if the underlying system does not support the `/dev/fd' directory. File:, Node: Zsh Line Editor, Next: Parameters, Prev: Conditional Expressions, Up: Top Zsh Line Editor *************** If the `ZLE' option is set (it is by default) and the shell input is attached to the terminal, the user is allowed to edit command lines. There are two display modes. The first, multi-line mode, is the default. It only works if the `TERM' parameter is set to a valid terminal type that can move the cursor up. The second, single line mode, is used if `TERM' is invalid or incapable of moving the cursor up, or if the `SINGLE_LINE_ZLE' option is set. This mode is similar to ksh, and uses no termcap sequences. If `TERM' is `emacs', the `ZLE' option will be unset by the shell. Bindings ======== Command bindings may be set using the `bindkey' builtin. There are two keymaps; the main keymap and the alternate keymap. The alternate keymap is bound to vi command mode. The main keymap is bound to emacs mode by default. To bind the main keymap to vi insert mode, use `bindkey -v'. However, if either of the `VISUAL' or `EDITOR' environment variables contains the string `vi' when the shell starts up the main keymap will be bound to vi insert mode by default. The following is a list of all the key commands and their default bindings in emacs mode, vi command mode and vi insert mode. * Menu: * Movement:: * History Control:: * Modifying Text:: * Arguments:: * Completion:: * Miscellaneous:: File:, Node: Movement, Next: History Control, Up: Zsh Line Editor Movement ======== `vi-backward-blank-word (unbound) (`B') (unbound)' Move backward one word, where a word is defined as a series of non-blank characters. `backward-char (`^B' `ESC-[D') (unbound)' Move backward one character. `vi-backward-char (unbound) (`^H' `h' `^?') (unbound)' Move backward one character, without changing lines. `backward-word (`ESC-B' `ESC-b') (unbound) (unbound)' Move to the beginning of the previous word. `emacs-backward-word' Move to the beginning of the previous word. `vi-backward-word (unbound) (`b') (unbound)' Move to the beginning of the previous word, vi-style. `beginning-of-line (`^A') (unbound) (unbound)' Move to the beginning of the line. If already at the beginning of the line, move to the beginning of the previous line, if any. `vi-beginning-of-line' Move to the beginning of the line, without changing lines. `end-of-line (`^E') (unbound) (unbound)' Move to the end of the line. If already at the end of the line, move to the end of the next line, if any. `vi-end-of-line (unbound) (`$') (unbound)' Move to the end of the line. If an argument is given to this command, the cursor will be moved to the end of the line (argument - 1) lines down. `vi-forward-blank-word (unbound) (`W') (unbound)' Move forward one word, where a word is defined as a series of non-blank characters. `vi-forward-blank-word-end (unbound) (`E') (unbound)' Move to the end of the current word, or, if at the end of the current word, to the end of the next word, where a word is defined as a series of non-blank characters. `forward-char (`^F' `ESC-[C') (unbound) (unbound)' Move forward one character. `vi-forward-char (unbound) (SPACE `l') (unbound)' Move forward one character. `vi-find-next-char (`^X^F') (`f') (unbound)' Read a character from the keyboard, and move to the next occurrence of it in the line. `vi-find-next-char-skip (unbound) (`t') (unbound)' Read a character from the keyboard, and move to the position just before the next occurrence of it in the line. `vi-find-prev-char (unbound) (`F') (unbound)' Read a character from the keyboard, and move to the previous occurrence of it in the line. `vi-find-prev-char-skip (unbound) (`T') (unbound)' Read a character from the keyboard, and move to the position just after the previous occurrence of it in the line. `vi-first-non-blank (unbound) (`^') (unbound)' Move to the first non-blank character in the line. `vi-forward-word (unbound) (`w') (unbound)' Move forward one word, vi-style. `forward-word (`ESC-F' `ESC-f') (unbound) (unbound)' Move to the beginning of the next word. The editor's idea of a word is specified with the `WORDCHARS' parameter. `emacs-forward-word' Move to the end of the next word. `vi-forward-word-end (unbound) (`e') (unbound)' Move to the end of the next word. `vi-goto-column (`ESC-|') (`|') (unbound)' Move to the column specified by the numeric argument. `vi-goto-mark (unbound) (``') (unbound)' Move to the specified mark. `vi-goto-mark-line (unbound) (`'') (unbound)' Move to the beginning of the line containing the specified mark. `vi-repeat-find (unbound) (`;') (unbound)' Repeat the last `vi-find' command. `vi-rev-repeat-find (unbound) (`,') (unbound)' Repeat the last `vi-find' command in the opposite direction. File:, Node: History Control, Next: Modifying Text, Prev: Movement, Up: Zsh Line Editor History Control =============== `beginning-of-buffer-or-history (`ESC-<') (unbound) (unbound)' Move to the beginning of the buffer, or if already there, move to the first event in the history list. `beginning-of-line-hist' Move to the beginning of the line. If already at the beginning of the buffer, move to the previous history line. `beginning-of-history' Move to the first event in the history list. `down-line-or-history (`^N' `ESC-[B') (`j') (unbound)' Move down a line in the buffer, or if already at the bottom line, move to the next event in the history list. `vi-down-line-or-history (unbound) (`+') (unbound)' Move down a line in the buffer, or if already at the bottom line, move to the next event in the history list. Then move to the first non-blank character on the line. `down-line-or-search' Move down a line in the buffer, or if already at the bottom line, search forward in the history for a line beginning with the first word in the buffer. `down-history (unbound) (`^N') (unbound)' Move to the next event in the history list. `history-beginning-search-backward' Search backward in the history for a line beginning with the current line up to the cursor. This leaves the cursor in its original position. `end-of-buffer-or-history (`ESC->') (unbound) (unbound)' Move to the end of the buffer, or if already there, move to the last event in the history list. `end-of-line-hist' Move to the end of the line. If already at the end of the buffer, move to the next history line. `end-of-history' Move to the last event in the history list. `vi-fetch-history (unbound) (`G') (unbound)' Fetch the history line specified by the numeric argument. This defaults to the current history line (i.e. the one that isn't history yet). `history-incremental-search-backward (`^R' `^Xr') (unbound) (unbound)' Search backward incrementally for a specified string. The string may begin with `^' to anchor the search to the beginning of the line. A restricted set of editing functions is available in the mini-buffer. An interrupt signal, as defined by the stty setting, will stop the search and go back to the original line. An undefined key will have the same effect. The supported functions are: `backward-delete-char', `vi-backward-delete-character', `clearscreen', `redisplay', `quoted-insert', `vi-quoted-insert', `accept-and-hold', `accept-and-infer-next-history', `accept-line' and `accept-line-and-down-history'; `magic-space' just inserts a space. `vi-cmd-mode' toggles between the main and alternate key bindings; the main key bindings (insert mode) will be selected initially. Any string that is bound to an out-string (via `bindkey -s') will behave as if out-string were typed directly. Typing the binding of `history-incremental-search-backward' will get the next occurrence of the contents of the mini-buffer. Typing the binding of `history-incremental-search-forward' inverts the sense of the search. The direction of the search is indicated in the mini-buffer. Any single character that is not bound to one of the above functions, or `self-insert' or `self-insert-unmeta' will have the same effect but the function will be executed. `history-incremental-search-forward (`^S' `^Xs') (unbound) (unbound)' Search forward incrementally for a specified string. The string may begin with `^' to anchor the search to the beginning of the line. The functions available in the mini-buffer are the same as for `history-incremental-search-backward'. `history-search-backward (`ESC-P' `ESC-p') (unbound) (unbound)' Search backward in the history for a line beginning with the first word in the buffer. `vi-history-search-backward (unbound) (`/') (unbound)' Search backward in the history for a specified string. The string may begin with `^' to anchor the search to the beginning of the line. A restricted set of editing functions is available in the mini-buffer. An interrupt signal, as defined by the stty setting, will stop the search. The functions available in the mini-buffer are: `accept-line', `vi-cmd-mode' (treated the same as `acceptline'), `backward-delete-char', `vi-backward-delete-char', `backward-kill-word', `vi-backward-kill-word', `clear-screen', `redisplay', `magic-space' (treated as a space), `quoted-insert' and `vi-quoted-insert'. Any string that is not bound to an out-string (via `bindkey -s') will behave as if out-string were typed directly. Any other character that is not bound to `self-insert' or `self-insert-unmeta' will beep and be ignored. If the function is called from vi command mode, the bindings of the current insert mode will be used. `history-search-forward (`ESC-N' `ESC-n') (unbound) (unbound)' Search forward in the history for a line beginning with the first word in the buffer. `vi-history-search-forward (unbound) (`?') (unbound)' Search forward in the history for a specified string. The string may begin with `^' to anchor the search to the beginning of the line. The functions available in the mini-buffer are the same as for `vi-history-search-backward'. `infer-next-history (`^X^N') (unbound) (unbound)' Search in the history for a line matching the current one and fetch the event following it. `insert-last-word (`ESC-_' `ESC-.') (unbound) (unbound)' Insert the last word from the previous history event at the cursor position. `vi-repeat-search (unbound) (`n') (unbound)' Repeat the last vi history search. `vi-rev-repeat-search (unbound) (`N') (unbound)' Repeat the last vi history search, but in reverse. `up-line-or-history (`^P' `ESC-[A') (`k') (unbound)' Move up a line in the buffer, or if already at the top line, move to the previous event in the history list. `up-line-or-search' Move up a line in the buffer, or if already at the top line, search backward in the history for a line beginning with the first word in the buffer. `up-history (unbound) (`^P') (unbound)' Move to the previous event in the history list. `history-beginning-search-forward' Search forward in the history for a line beginning with the current line up to the cursor. This leaves the cursor at its original position. File:, Node: Modifying Text, Next: Arguments, Prev: History Control, Up: Zsh Line Editor Modifying Text ============== `vi-add-eol (unbound) (`A') (unbound)' Move to the end of the line and enter insert mode. `vi-add-next (unbound) (`a') (unbound)' Enter insert mode after the current cursor position, without changing lines. `backward-delete-char (`^H' `^?') (unbound) (unbound)' Delete the character behind the cursor. `vi-backward-delete-char (unbound) (`X') (`^H')' Delete the character behind the cursor, without changing lines. If in insert mode this won't delete past the point where insert mode was last entered. `backward-delete-word' Delete the word behind the cursor. `backward-kill-line' Kill from the beginning of the line to the cursor position. `backward-kill-word (`^W' `ESC-^H' `ESC-^?') (unbound) (unbound)' Kill the word behind the cursor. `vi-backward-kill-word (unbound) (unbound) (`^W')' Kill the word behind the cursor, without going past the point where insert mode was last entered. `capitalize-word (`ESC-C' `ESC-c') (unbound) (unbound)' Capitalize the current word and move past it. `vi-change (unbound) (`c') (unbound)' Read a movement command from the keyboard, and kill from the cursor position to the endpoint of the movement. Then enter insert mode. If the command is `vi-change', kill the current line. `vi-change-eol (unbound) (`C') (unbound)' Kill to the end of the line and enter insert mode. `vi-change-whole-line (unbound) (`S') (unbound)' Kill the current line and enter insert mode. `copy-region-as-kill (`ESC-W' `ESC-w') (unbound) (unbound)' Copy the area from the cursor to the mark to the kill buffer. `copy-prev-word (`ESC-^_') (unbound) (unbound)' Duplicate the word behind the cursor. `vi-delete (unbound) (`d') (unbound)' Read a movement command from the keyboard, and kill from the cursor position to the endpoint of the movement. If the command is `vi-delete', kill the current line. `delete-char' Delete the character under the cursor. `vi-delete-char (unbound) (`x') (unbound)' Delete the character under the cursor, without going past the end of the line. `delete-word' Delete the current word. `down-case-word (`ESC-L' `ESC-l') (unbound) (unbound)' Convert the current word to all lowercase and move past it. `kill-word (`ESC-D' `ESC-d') (unbound) (unbound)' Kill the current word. `gosmacs-transpose-chars' Exchange the two characters behind the cursor. `vi-indent (unbound) (`>') (unbound)' Indent a number of lines. `vi-insert (unbound) (`i') (unbound)' Enter insert mode. `vi-insert-bol (unbound) (`I') (unbound)' Move to the beginning of the line and enter insert mode. `vi-join (`^X^J') (`J') (unbound)' Join the current line with the next one. `kill-line (`^K') (unbound) (unbound)' Kill from the cursor to the end of the line. `vi-kill-line (unbound) (unbound) (`^U')' Kill from the cursor back to wherever insert mode was last entered. `vi-kill-eol (unbound) (`D') (unbound)' Kill from the cursor to the end of the line. `kill-region' Kill from the cursor to the mark. `kill-buffer (`^X^K') (unbound) (unbound)' Kill the entire buffer. `kill-whole-line (`^U') (unbound) (unbound)' Kill the current line. `vi-match-bracket (`^X^B') (`%') (unbound)' Move to the bracket character (one of `{}', `()', or `[]') that matches the one under the cursor. If the cursor is not on a bracket character, move forward without going past the end of the line to find one, and then go to the matching bracket. `vi-open-line-above (unbound) (`O') (unbound)' Open a line above the cursor and enter insert mode. `vi-open-line-below (unbound) (`o') (unbound)' Open a line below the cursor and enter insert mode. `vi-oper-swap-case' Read a movement command from the keyboard, and swap the case of all characters from the cursor position to the endpoint of the movement. If the movement command is `vi-oper-swap-case', swap the case of all characters on the current line. `overwrite-mode (`^X^O') (unbound) (unbound)' Toggle between overwrite mode and insert mode. `vi-put-before (unbound) (`P') (unbound)' Insert the contents of the kill buffer before the cursor. If the kill buffer contains a sequence of lines (as opposed to characters), paste it above the current line. `vi-put-after (unbound) (`p') (unbound)' Insert the contents of the kill buffer after the cursor. If the kill buffer contains a sequence of lines (as opposed to characters), paste it below the current line. `quoted-insert (`^V') (unbound) (unbound)' Insert the next character typed into the buffer literally. An interrupt character will not be inserted. `vi-quoted-insert (unbound) (unbound) (`^Q' `^V')' Display a `^' at the current position, and insert the next character typed into the buffer literally. A `NUL' character will be rejected with a beep, requiring a non-`NUL' keypress to continue. An interrupt character will not be inserted. `quote-line (`ESC-'') (unbound) (unbound)' Quote the current line; that is, put a `'' character at the beginning and the end, and convert all `'' characters to `\''. `quote-region (`ESC-"') (unbound) (unbound)' Quote the region from the cursor to the mark. `vi-replace (unbound) (`R') (unbound)' Enter overwrite mode. `vi-repeat-change (unbound) (`.') (unbound)' Repeat the last vi mode text modification. If a count was used with the modification, it is remembered. If a count is given to this command, it overrides the remembered count, and is remembered for future uses of this command. The cut buffer specification is similarly remembered. `vi-replace-chars (unbound) (`r') (unbound)' Replace the character under the cursor with a character read from the keyboard. `self-insert (printable characters) (unbound) (printable characters and some control characters)' Put a character in the buffer at the cursor position. `self-insert-unmeta (`ESC-^I' `ESC-^J' `ESC-^M') (unbound) (unbound)' Put a character in the buffer after stripping the meta bit and converting `^M' to `^J'. `vi-substitute (unbound) (`s') (unbound)' Substitute the next character(s). `vi-swap-case (unbound) (`~') (unbound)' Swap the case of the character under the cursor and move past it. `transpose-chars (`^T') (unbound) (unbound)' Exchange the two characters to the left of the cursor if at end of line, else exchange the character under the cursor with the character to the left. `transpose-words (`ESC-T' `ESC-t') (unbound) (unbound)' Exchange the current word with the one before it. `vi-unindent (unbound) (`<') (unbound)' Unindent a number of lines. `up-case-word (`ESC-U' `ESC-u') (unbound) (unbound)' Convert the current word to all caps and move past it. `yank (`^Y') (unbound) (unbound)' Insert the contents of the kill buffer at the cursor position. `yank-pop (`ESC-y') (unbound) (unbound)' Remove the text just yanked, rotate the kill-ring, and yank the new top. Only works following `yank' or `yank-pop'. `vi-yank (unbound) (`y') (unbound)' Read a movement command from the keyboard, and copy the region from the cursor position to the endpoint of the movement into the kill buffer. If the command is `vi-yank', copy the current line. `vi-yank-whole-line (unbound) (`Y') (unbound)' Copy the current line into the kill buffer. `vi-yank-eol' Copy the region from the cursor position to the end of the line into the kill buffer. Arguably, this is what `Y' should do in vi, but it isn't what it actually does. File:, Node: Arguments, Next: Completion, Prev: Modifying Text, Up: Zsh Line Editor Arguments ========= `digit-argument (`ESC-0'...`ESC-9') (1-9) (unbound)' Start a new numeric argument, or add to the current one. See also `vi-digit-or-beginning-of-line'. `neg-argument (`ESC--') (unbound) (unbound)' Changes the sign of the following argument. `universal-argument' Multiply the argument of the next command by 4. File:, Node: Completion, Next: Miscellaneous, Prev: Arguments, Up: Zsh Line Editor Completion ========== `accept-and-menu-complete' In a menu completion, insert the current completion into the buffer, and advance to the next possible completion. `complete-word' Attempt completion on the current word. `delete-char-or-list (`^D') (unbound) (unbound)' Delete the character under the cursor. If the cursor is at the end of the line, list possible completions for the current word. `expand-cmd-path' Expand the current command to it's full pathname. `expand-or-complete (TAB) (unbound) (TAB)' Attempt shell expansion on the current word. If that fails, attempt completion. `expand-or-complete-prefix' Attempt shell expansion on the current word up to cursor. `expand-history (`ESC-SPACE' `ESC-!') (unbound) (unbound)' Perform history expansion on the edit buffer. `expand-word (`^X*') (unbound) (unbound)' Attempt shell expansion on the current word. `list-choices (`ESC-^D') (`^D=') (`^D')' List possible completions for the current word. `list-expand (`^Xg' `^XG') (`^G') (`^G')' List the expansion of the current word. `magic-space' Perform history expansion and insert a space into the buffer. This is intended to be bound to SPACE. `menu-complete' Like `complete-word', except that menu completion is used. *Note Options::, for the `MENU_COMPLETE' option. `menu-expand-or-complete' Like `expand-or-complete', except that menu completion is used. `reverse-menu-complete' *Note Options::, for the `MENU_COMPLETE' option. File:, Node: Miscellaneous, Prev: Completion, Up: Zsh Line Editor Miscellaneous ============= `accept-and-hold (`ESC-A' `ESC-a') (unbound) (unbound)' Push the contents of the buffer on the buffer stack and execute it. `accept-and-infer-next-history' Execute the contents of the buffer. Then search the history list for a line matching the current one and push the event following onto the buffer stack. `accept-line (`^J' `^M') (`^J' `^M') (`^J' `^M')' Execute the contents of the buffer. `accept-line-and-down-history (`^O') (unbound) (unbound)' Execute the current line, and push the next history event on the the buffer stack. `vi-cmd-mode (`^X^V') (unbound) (`^[')' Enter command mode; that is, use the alternate keymap. Yes, this is bound by default in emacs mode. `vi-caps-lock-panic' Hang until any lowercase key is pressed. This is for vi users without the mental capacity to keep track of their caps lock key (like the author). `clear-screen (`^L' `ESC-^L') (`^L') (`^L')' Clear the screen and redraw the prompt. `describe-key-briefly' Waits for keypress, then prints the function bound to the pressed key. `exchange-point-and-mark (`^X^X') (unbound) (unbound)' Exchange the cursor position with the position of the mark. `execute-named-cmd (`ESC-x') (unbound) (unbound)' Read the name of a editor command and execute it. A restricted set of editing functions is available in the mini-buffer. An interrupt signal, as defined by the stty setting, will abort the function. The allowed functions are: `backward-delete-char', `vi-backward-delete-char', `clear-screen', `redisplay', `quoted-insert', `vi-quoted-insert', `kill-region' (kills the last word), `backward-kill-word', `vi-backward-kill-word', `kill-whole-line', `vi-kill-line', `backward-kill-line', `list-choices', `delete-char-or-list', `complete-word', `expand-or-complete', `expand-or-complete-prefix', `accept-line', and `vi-cmd-mode' (treated the same as accept line). The SPC and TAB characters, if not bound to one of these functions, will complete the name and then list the possibilities if the `AUTO_LIST' option is set. Any string that is bound to an out-string (via `bindkey -s') will behave as if out-string were typed directly. Any other character that is not bound to `self-insert' or `self-insert-unmeta' will beep and be ignored. If the function is called from vi command mode, the bindings of the current insert mode will be used. `execute-last-named-cmd (`ESC-z') (unbound) (unbound)' Redo the last function executed with `execute-named-cmd'. `get-line (`ESC-G' `ESC-g') (unbound) (unbound)' Pop the top line off the buffer stack and insert it at the cursor position. `pound-insert (unbound) (`#') (unbound)' If there is no `#' character at the beginning of the buffer, add one to the beginning of each line. If there is one, remove a `#' from each line that has one. In either case, accept the current line. The `INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS' option must be set for this to have any usefulness. `vi-pound-insert' If there is no `#' character at the beginning of the current line, add one. If there is one, remove it. The `INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS' option must be set for this to have any usefulness. `push-input' Push the entire current multi-line construct onto the buffer stack and return to the top-level (`PS1') prompt. If the current parser construct is only a single line, this is exactly like `push-line'. Next time the editor starts up or is popped with `get-line', the construct will be popped off the top of the buffer stack and loaded into the editing buffer. `push-line (`^Q' `ESC-Q' `ESC-q') (unbound) (unbound)' Push the current buffer onto the buffer stack and clear the buffer. Next time the editor starts up, the buffer will be popped off the top of the buffer stack and loaded into the editing buffer. `push-line-or-edit' At the top-level (`PS1') prompt, equivalent to `push-line'. At a secondary (`PS2') prompt, move the entire current multi-line construct into the editor buffer. The latter is equivalent to `push-line' followed by `get-line'. `redisplay (unbound) (`^R') (`^R')' Redisplays the edit buffer. `send-break (`^G' `ESC-^G') (unbound) (unbound)' Abort the current editor function, e.g. `execute-named-command', or the editor itself, e.g. if you are in `vared'. Otherwise abort the parsing of the current line. `run-help (`ESC-H' `ESC-h') (unbound) (unbound)' Push the buffer onto the buffer stack, and execute the command `run-help CMD', where CMD is the current command. `run-help' is normally aliased to `man'. `vi-set-buffer (unbound) (`"') (unbound)' Specify a buffer to be used in the following command. `vi-set-mark (unbound) (`m') (unbound)' Set the specified mark at the cursor position. `set-mark-command (`^@') (unbound) (unbound)' Set the mark at the cursor position. `spell-word (`ESC-$' `ESC-S' `ESC-s') (unbound) (unbound)' Attempt spelling correction on the current word. `undefined-key (lots o' keys) (lots o' keys) (unbound)' Beep. `undo (`^_' `^Xu' `^X^U') (unbound) (unbound)' Incrementally undo the last text modification. `vi-undo-change (unbound) (`u') (unbound)' Undo the last text modification. If repeated, redo the modification. `where-is' Read the name of an editor command and and print the listing of key sequences that invoke the specified command. `which-command (`ESC-?') (unbound) (unbound)' Push the buffer onto the buffer stack, and execute the command `which-command CMD', where CMD is the current command. `which-command' is normally aliased to `whence'. `vi-digit-or-beginning-of-line(unbound) (`0') (unbound)' If the last command executed was a digit as part of an argument, continue the argument. Otherwise, execute `vi-beginning-of-line'. File:, Node: Parameters, Next: Options, Prev: Zsh Line Editor, Up: Top Parameters ********** A parameter has a name, a value, and a number of attributes. A name may be any sequence of alphanumeric characters and `_''s, or the single characters `*', `@', `#', `?', `-', `$', or `!'. The value may be either a scalar (a string), an integer, or an array. To assign a scalar or integer value to a parameter, use the `typeset' builtin. To assign an array value, use `set -A NAME VALUE ...'. The value of a parameter may also be assigned by writing: `NAME=VALUE ...' If the integer attribute, `-i', is set for NAME, the VALUE is subject to arithmetic evaluation. * Menu: * Array Parameters:: * Positional Parameters:: * Parameters Set By The Shell:: * Parameters Used By The Shell::